You will always lose, but you will never lose the lesson.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Theeee Gaaaaaame :)

The other day my dear friend presented me with a dilemma!

**Making friends!

It can be very difficult to accomplish sometimes so I've come up with a little game :)

--Friend Game

  • Goal: To make as many friends as possible duh! But also to get as many points as possible!

  1. 5 Points: Keep old friends updated! Don't forget them :)

  2. 10 Points: Wave and smile to someone new in the hallway

  3. 10 Points: Talk to someone sitting by themself!

  4. 10 Points: Compliment someone

  5. 15 Points: Taking the iniative and asking someone new to be a partner in a school project (5 extra points if it's a cute boy!)

  6. 15 Points: Sitting with new people at lunch

  7. 15 Points: Text someone new

  8. 20 Points: Ask someone to help you study after school

  9. 25 Points: Call someone new

  10. 25 Points: Ask someone to actually hang out!

  11. 25 Points: Give someone a NON floppy hug

  12. 30 Points: Ask a couple of people to hang out!

  13. 35 Points: Have a sleepover

  14. 40Points: Hang out with someone besides *not disclosed* over winter break

  15. 50 Points: Get invited to a party

  16. 55 Points: Go to said party anyways, just ask someone else to go with you ha

  17. 60 Points: Go to not just any party but a BIG HOLIDAY PARTY, perhaps a new years eve party?

  18. 75 Points: Feel comfortable enough to be yourself around new people

  19. 80 Points: Be able to call these said people friends

  20. 80 Points: Go to a dance stag with a couple of friends

  21. 100 Points: Get asked to a dance

Tell me more that I can add, because I don't feel like thinking anymore!

Reach 100 points and treat yourself to a pedicure :)

The point system helps take away the actual pressure of friend making and rewards you for the little stuff :D

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


**Surround yourself with people that make you feel happy.
People that don't make you second guess yourself.
People that don't make you feel inferior and sad.
People that you can actually call friends.

It's better to figure it out later rather than never :)